Improve Your Operations With UKCP18 Data


We encourage every organisation to understand what climate datasets are available to better inform their climate related decisions. In the UK, the UKCP18 is a set of climate projections developed by the Met Office in collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including government bodies, businesses, and researchers. These projections provide a detailed picture of how the UK's climate is likely to change over the next century, including changes in temperature, rainfall, wind patterns, and extreme weather events.

Organisations are already utilising UKCP18 data to make informed decisions about how to adapt to the changing climate. By understanding how climate change is likely to affect their operations, businesses can identify potential risks and opportunities and take proactive steps to manage them.

Ways to Improve Operations With Climate Datasets

  1. Assessing Climate Risks - Businesses can assess their vulnerability to climate risks and develop appropriate risk management strategies. This could include installing flood barriers, improving drainage systems, or implementing heat stress prevention measures.

  2. Developing Climate-Resilient Infrastructure - The design, construction and maintenance of critical infrastructure that is resilient to the changing climate is a key requirement for the economy.

  3. Identifying New Business Opportunities - climate data such as UKCP18 can help businesses identify new products, services, or markets. For instance, those businesses in the renewable energy sector can use climate data to better identify areas with high wind or solar potential, while businesses in the agricultural sector can identify new crops or growing seasons that are better suited to the changing climate.

Who is using UKCP18 Data to Their Advantage

Many organisations have already used this data to generate positive improvements to both their organisation’s operations and reputation. We have highlight a few cases below:

  • Thames Water, a UK water and wastewater services company, used UKCP data to develop its long-term climate change strategy. The company used the data to model the impact of climate change on its operations and to identify potential risks, such as flooding and drought. Armed with this knowledge, Thames Water developed a range of resilience measures, such as upgrading its infrastructure and improving its flood risk management systems, to ensure that it can continue to provide a reliable and sustainable water supply in the face of climate change. Source:

  • National Grid, the UK's electricity transmission system operator, used UKCP data to assess the potential impact of climate change on the electricity grid. The company used the data to model changes in temperature and wind patterns, which could affect the availability and reliability of electricity generation from wind turbines. Based on the results of this analysis, National Grid developed a range of measures to improve the resilience of the grid, such as increasing the capacity of interconnectors with other countries and investing in energy storage technologies. Source:

  • Coca-Cola, the global beverage company, used UKCP data to assess the potential impact of climate change on its supply chain. The company used the data to model changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, which could affect the availability and quality of key ingredients such as sugar and citrus fruits. Based on the results of this analysis, Coca-Cola developed a range of measures to improve the resilience of its supply chain, such as diversifying its sourcing of ingredients and investing in water conservation and recycling initiatives. Source:

You can read further examples from a list of organisations that have used UKCP data. 

From this brief post, the benefits of national datasets such as UKCP18 are invaluable for businesses that want to understand how climate change will affect their operations and take proactive steps to manage its impact. By using UKCP18 and other sources to assess climate risks, develop climate-resilient infrastructure and identify new business opportunities - businesses can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

If your organisation would like to know more and how Susteer's technology can help, contact us via the webform to book in a session with a member of our team.